by Jim Burnette | Nov 11, 2016 | Insights
by Jim Burnette, President/CEO, HospitalMD Correcting MisunderstandingsAnd Questions to ConsiderFor a HM Service In this article: What is the purpose of an HM service? How does your HM service need to adapt from its original design to one that better helps your...
by Jim Burnette | Nov 11, 2016 | Insights
by Jim Burnette, President/CEO, HospitalMD In this article: Do you have silos in your hospital that are a threat to your success? How do you train your clinical staff to think outside their silos? In the last issue I illustrated several ways we help hospitals return...
by Jim Burnette | Nov 10, 2016 | Insights
by Jim Burnette, President/CEO, HospitalMD In this article: What is your best source of additional revenue for your hospital? Why? Should you expect dramatic results or incremental changes? Consider a success scenario netting $2 million in additional revenue In the...
by Jim Burnette | Nov 10, 2016 | Insights
by Jim Burnette, President/CEO, HospitalMD In this article: Not every solution is created equal. Some solutions put your hospital at risk. What are they? CEO concerns discussed in a recent conversation What is the real reason your revenue is declining year after year?...
by Jim Burnette | Nov 10, 2016 | Insights
by Jim Burnette, President/CEO, HospitalMD In this article: How can small community hospitals develop and deploy real innovative solutions that will make substantive improvements? Welcome to the first issue of in•sight! I came to healthcare over 25 years ago from...