The Grey Zone: The Mysterious, but Predictable Source of Additional Revenue
Approximately 20% of all small to mid-sized community hospital (CH) Emergency Department (ED) patients have medical conditions that require further treatment beyond the ED. Typically, a CH always admits 5% and transfers 5%. That leaves a 10% "grey zone." In a CH with...

That Dog Won’t Hunt!
When I was young, I heard older folks use the colloquialism “that dog won’t hunt”. The term is a reference to a dog that has not been trained or has lost the inspiration to hunt - a futile effort. I am reminded of this expression when there is a relationship incident...

Why Are Community Hospitals Losing The Battle, and May Lose the War?
The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (“Act”) was a “tipping point” in healthcare that set in place an aggressive path toward more “managed care” by implementing fixed-price payment rates. In 1997, the only thing for certain was the belief that community hospitals could not...

Think As Two; Act As One— A Model for Community Hospital Providers
by Jim Burnette, President/CEO, HospitalMD In this article: What is the REAL primary cause of lost revenue for rural hospitals? What vital patient treatment concept is alien to most medical training today? How can physicans make an impact on outmigration? A service...

The Dilemma of Physician Recruiting and Pay in the Community Hospital
by Jim Burnette, President/CEO, HospitalMD In this article: How do you lessen the risks of physician hiring decisions? What are the 4 Irrefutable Truths on Physicians? What is the Green Ceiling when dealing with Physicians? You know you need more revenue. You know you...

Structural Barriers to Financial Success for Small Community Hospitals
by Jim Burnette, President/CEO, HospitalMD In this article: How do you calculate your growth potential for a community hospital? How does a weak link in the ED affect patient migration and what is the financial impact? What is a different practice model that has...

Seeds For A Successful Hospital Medicine (HM) Service for the Small Community Hospital
by Jim Burnette, President/CEO, HospitalMD Correcting MisunderstandingsAnd Questions to ConsiderFor a HM Service In this article: What is the purpose of an HM service? How does your HM service need to adapt from its original design to one that better helps your...

Seeds and Silos: the impact on Community Hospital Viability
by Jim Burnette, President/CEO, HospitalMD In this article: Do you have silos in your hospital that are a threat to your success? How do you train your clinical staff to think outside their silos? In the last issue I illustrated several ways we help hospitals return...

Financial Viability Is Closer Than You May Think—A plan for Small Community Hospitals
by Jim Burnette, President/CEO, HospitalMD In this article: What is your best source of additional revenue for your hospital? Why? Should you expect dramatic results or incremental changes? Consider a success scenario netting $2 million in additional revenue In the...

Attention Community Hospitals! There are Real Solutions in Changing Times
by Jim Burnette, President/CEO, HospitalMD In this article: Not every solution is created equal. Some solutions put your hospital at risk. What are they? CEO concerns discussed in a recent conversation What is the real reason your revenue is declining year after year?...