- Integrating the business of medicine with clinical expertise
- Maximizing Revenue
- Purposeful Leadership
- Common Goals and Alignment
- Accountability

This commitment led to the design of our Hybrid Medicine program. This Hybrid program allows a physician to be the “house-doc” by providing Emergency Medicine and Hospitalist services simultaneously. This allows rural hospitals to provide a 24-hr Hospitalist service without the traditional cost! This helps rural hospitals maximize revenue through capturing inpatient out-migration. As more and more primary care physicians (PCPs) choose to focus on their office practice, they begin transferring many of their inpatients to neighboring hospitals that offer a Hospitalist service. With our Hybrid program you never need to worry about losing those patients again! With increased inpatient revenues of over $1 Million per year, our Hybrid program is truly revolutionizing rural healthcare for our clients!
The sections that follow will provide you with a glimpse of how HospitalMD views a number of important topics that impact the financial and clinical success of rural hospitals. We attempt to provide you with not only our philosophy on these topics, but also examples of how we implement our service to achieve the highest levels of success. Some consistent themes you will find throughout these pages and within our organization are: